Saturday, January 09, 2010


From a front row seat here in America we can see the hearts and minds of this generation. One would ask, "how are you able to see their hearts and minds?" By simply watching their endeavoring.

I know that that may sound a little trite, but it is a sure fact of this culture. Night and day, to and fro, this culture is on the move to get somewhere by any means it can. Endeavoring to cram every piece of action into their lives before they expire, they are absolutely at their wits end endeavoring to stop the inevitable...death. Extreme exercise regimens, surgeries, cremes and potients are purchased and applied to stop, or at least, slow down death. But it is appointed unto men once to die and then the judgement, Hebrews 9:27. All the endeavoring in the world want stop this appointment with death.

Paul told young Timothy that bodily exercise profits little, 1Timothy 4:8. It will not stave off the appointment with death. If God be sovereign, and He is, He has already set those appointments for all men. Exercise may serve you to feel better for the moment, but stop your appointment or slow it's timing? Never. So the mass endeavoring of bodily exercise achieves no eternal value.

Oh! Wait! Did I write "eternal?" Yes, there is eternal life after one's earthly death, by the way. This life is just temporary, nothing more than a vapor. So if I am to endeavor to do something to continue to have life, I should look beyond the grave at that eternal life that is available. Everyone gets one, you know. Yes, that's right, everyone! However, its lived in two separate locations. Some live it eternally in the pristine gardens of God known as Heaven. Others live it out in the fiery flames of eternal damnation in Hell.

So I should endeavor here to get in one or the other? I should endeavor to do as many good works as I can do to get in the right one, Heaven? Right? No. You can't get to Heaven by endeavoring to work your way there. The only way to get into Heaven is by the shed blood of the man Christ Jesus who is also the Son of God. If you endeavor to do anything, you should endeavor to plead with His Father to allow Him to be the ransom for your sins. You should endeavor to plead that He grant you faith in His Son and repentance toward God for your sins. That's the endeavoring that actually works, "for whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord will be saved," Romans 10:13. Romans 10:9 and 10 says very distinctly, "that if you shall confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved. For with the heart man believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation, that is your sins will be forgiven and you will be granted eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

So how will you endeavor this year? Will it be the same old worthless endeavors? Or will you endeavor to find out if whether or not I am telling you the truth? Your life depends on it, by the way.

1 comment:

Puritan Dilemma said...

Great stuff!! Thanks!!