Friday, January 11, 2008


In John 18 Jesus stood before Pontias Pilate who asked if He was indeed King of the Jews. Jesus answered the question with, (and I prarphrase), "did you come to that conclusion on your own, or did the Jews tell this to you?" Jesus then went on to say that His kingdom was not of this world or else His subjects would be figting for Him. Rather, He had come into the world to be a witness of the truth. Pilate answered, "what is truth?"

That is the far reaching cry of the post modernist crowd of today. Everything is relavent, pragmatic and unknowing. To them truth has no legitimate reality, no defining principals, and certainly no absolutes. Ironically, this mindset is now as much of mainline evangelicalism as it is the emergent fracas. The Evangelical crowd has the Bible to show they know where to find the truth, but they choose not to let it out in fear of offending someone. The emergent crowd doesn't carry Bibles at all, so they just make up their truth as they go.

At the core of it all is secular humanism packaged in christian symbols. Obviously. they feel the symbols give them legitimacy without the responsibility attached to them. It is a form of godliness that fools the religious crowd and sucks in the non-religious crowd, who are told its "cool" to be christian. But behind the great curtian of it all is the maddening cries of Hell as the members of these fake churches are lead willy nilly about by their wills, ever learning, but unable to come to the knowledge of truth. So with Pontias Pilate they herald their statement of faith which has only one article and that is "what is truth?"

Thank God that we have been given the truth and it has made us free. The bondage of chaotic mind knumbing psycho babble would certinly leave us very hopeless. But we have the blessed hope in the person of Christ Jesus. He is absolutely the truth and we can find our statement of faith in Him. But while we bask in the light of His love and truth, let us be wide eyed with the conviction of it and contend for it with every breath. We have the answers, we have the truth, others sure need to hear it.

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