Monday, March 22, 2010

Christian Defense Coalition Head Responds to Passage of Healthcare Bill              The Truth Wins Out
                          Health care bill exposes fake pro-life Democrats

The supposed pro-life Democrats showed their true colors last night. Bart Stupak just talked a good line. Wonder what backroom deal really got Stupak to abandon the babies?  It sure wasn't an Executive Order signed by the president to not federally fund abortions.  If the language was not stripped from the will become law when Obama signs the bill tomorrow.  An Executive Order can't stop a law.  Stupak isn't stupid, he knew the Exec Order meant nothing.  Now Bart, "show us the money" Obama showed you!

However, ObamaCare is not the issue. Forget insurance premiums!   It's now all about the federally funded (your tax dollars) murder of unborn human life. You knew that the Democrats cared nothing about the babies that have and now will be aborted as a result of ObamaCare. Of course, they've never cared. They have lied, chanted, misrepresented and said anything through their clinched teeth from day one to lead Americans to believe that Roe V. Wade was law and we needed choice.  Roe is not a law! The Supreme Court doesn't make laws. But year after year, the mantra of choice has been repeated by these murderers and the killing continues.  Now your tax dollars will pay for these horrific murders thanks to ObamaCare.

So what do we have with OBamaCare?  Judgement from Almighty God.  The taxes that will be ripped from every American's wallet is just more God ordained punishment for the horrific sin of abortion.  We deserve what we get for having allowed these abortions to happen these 39 years.  I have watched as our jobs have left the country, our neighborhoods turn violent, our school systems go dumb and the heart and soul of a once great nation be trampled on by terrorist loving, God hating reprobates.  God has allowed it for the sin of abortion!   

When it is is all tallied up, the Democrats and yes, any abortion loving Republican, will have presided over and will be guilty of the greatest holocaust in the history of the world.  How's this for stats: 4000 babies aborted everyday since 1971...over 50,000,000 potential doctors, scientists, researchers, astronauts, etc., yea, TAXPAYERS! have been aborted (murdered) in the name of choice. God have mercy on the killers. The babies are just fine in Heaven. And they will stand with pointed fingers at these who perpetuate the holocaust and God will drop His righteous gavel and pronounce them all guilty on judgement day!

How many Christians were busy running Johnny and Judy to the game instead of spending any time pleading with God to heal our land, to stop the abortionists, and bring righteousness to this country?  Very few, I'm afraid.  So this is what we get for our complacency in protecting the innocent unborn.

Hopefully, this is a wake up call.  Maybe God's people who are called by His name will seek His face, eventually humble themselves, repent of their sins and turn from their wicked ways and pray.  Then He will hear from Heaven and heal our land (2Chronicles 7:14).  If we don't . . . well, you know what's going to happen.  Wise up and wake up.   

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