The Head of all Things!
Devotions from Colossians by Darrell Lingerfelt
1:18 And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence.
We must give all blessing, honor, glory and praise to the Head of all things this day. And who would that be? Christ Jesus!
What a thrill it was for me when the doctor came and told me that my wife had delivered our first child. As I looked down at that little face lying next to my wife, I was hit with the realty of us now being a family, of which, I was now the head. Now that baby is over thirty years old. I have been the head of the household for quite sometime.
I say all of this to focus our mind on the Head of the body, the church, whose head is Christ Jesus. He has birthed us everyone through His vicarious suffering on Calvary's cross, by His blood, His dying, being buried and rising again. His death satisfied the demands of God making Him the firstborn from the dead to claim the position of the Head of church. And from this position He sees, directs and leads His family, supplies their needs and is working for their good in all respects, even to the catching of them away to where He is some great day. And might I add that He is a proud Poppa? He loves His family. He loves the church. He beams with pride when it sings His priases. He is overjoyed when they go into the highways and hedges for Him and bring them in. He sends out wonderful blessings on them when they stand for the truth. He dolts over them like a hen does her chicks, ever seeing to their safety, their welfare, their eternity, John 14.
Oh we are priviledged beyond our wildest imaginations this hour. We have such a wonderful Head looking out for us. Our earthly fathers tried their best for us, but could not give us that which we need beyond the grave. But Christ Jesus has seen to the eternity of our need and given Himself a ransom for us that we might be with Him where He is...for eternity. Isn't this grand? Let us praise Him for being that that Paul says He is, and we know in our hearts that it is true. How? For our Head, Christ Jesus dwells in us.
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